
Office of Compliance Programs

Revised: January 13, 2014

Code of Conduct

As an LSUHSC-NO employee, student or affiliate, I understand the important role trust plays in the accomplishment of our mission. I shall strive to execute my duties to be deserving of the trust and respect of my coworkers and/or my fellow students and the people I serve. I shall treat our students, patients and coworkers with the same degree of respect and dignity in the performance of my duties that I would wish to receive if the situations were reversed.

I shall always act with integrity and carry out my duties in accordance with the highest ethical standards. I shall always perform my duties solely for the purpose, benefit and interest of the University and those it serves, and shall avoid any conflict or appearance of conflict with those interests. I shall perform my duties in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, and university policies and procedures. I shall not publish or otherwise release information concerning LSUHSC-NO employees, students, or actions, or, patients of any facility that is not required by my duties.

In all my decisions, I shall strive to make the choices based on sound professional judgment that produce the best possible outcomes for our students, our patients, our coworkers and the people of Louisiana. I shall keep myself well educated on the latest developments in my field of expertise and shall complete all training requirements mandated by law, my profession, and LSUHSC-NO. I shall educate and encourage others through my example.

I understand the importance of maintaining professional boundaries in my dealings with patients, students and coworkers. I shall ensure that my interactions do not compromise or erode those boundaries, including, but not limited to, avoiding inappropriate personal interactions, regardless of the forum or media in which they occur.

When presenting my views on University matters in any public forum, I shall always clarify that these views are my own and shall not represent them, through my action or lack of action, as official positions of the University unless specifically authorized to do so by the appropriate University authority.

I will perform all my duties to the best of my ability to ensure the highest degree of excellence in everything I do. I am an agent for improvement in LSUHSC-NO. I shall look continuously for ways to improve the performance of my duties, and to ensure my work is always responsive to the conditions around me and needs of the people who depend on me. I shall always report cost-saving and improvement opportunities to the appropriate authority. I shall report adverse events promptly to mitigate any harmful effects and maintain the university’s image of trust and integrity. I shall cooperate fully with requests from oversight agencies. I shall report non-compliant behavior to the Office of Compliance Programs and understand that if I desire, my report will be kept confidential.

I understand adherence to the Code is a condition of my employment and/or affiliation with the University and my failure to adhere to the Code to the best of my ability can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and/or affiliation.