
Environmental Health and Safety

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General Safety Training

Revised February 3, 2017



This training provides general safety guidance for LSUHSC faculty, staff and students. It is the first of four quarterly safety presentations issued via the Knowledge Delivery System as required by the State Office of Risk Management.

These quarterly safety presentations provide information generally applicable to all personnel. It is the responsibility of all supervisors to augment this training with site-specific safety training required in their work areas. For instance, while this presentation provides general guidance on Hazard Communication, personnel who work with hazardous chemicals must receive training on the hazards associated with those particular chemicals.

Chancellor's Policy Statement

The LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students and visitors; and conducting its mission in compliance with all applicable environmental health and safety laws and regulations.

As Chancellor, I am responsible for ensuring that the Health Sciences Center operates safely to minimize health hazards, reduce the risk of injury, and maintain environmental compliance. Senior leadership and all supervisors share in this responsibility with me, and will ensure that all activities under their control are performed safely and in accordance with current policies and guidelines. A primary role of the Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department is to oversee the safety and environmental programs, and provide consultative services; contact EH&S if you require assistance for any aspect of your safety and environmental programs.

Maintaining a safe and healthy environment requires the involvement of all faculty, staff and students. All members of the Health Sciences Center community are responsible for their own safety and shall set a personal example of safe practices for other members of the community. Your commitment to safety and environmental compliance plays a critical role in support of the Health Sciences Center's mission to provide world-class education, research and public service.

Safety Responsibilities

Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, and Department Heads shall implement the safety program in their areas of administrative responsibility and are responsible for the safety of the personnel under their supervision. They will ensure that these personnel are:

Supervisors, Foremen, and Managers are also responsible for the safety of the personnel under their supervision and will:

Individual personnel are responsible for their personal safety and will:

The Environmental Health and Safety Department is the principal provider and coordinator of all LSUHSC safety requirements, to include:

General Safety Rules

Adherence to the following safety rules reduces the risk of mishaps:

Hazard Communication

training image 8b1  training image 8b2  training image 8b3 

Safety Data Sheets

old MSDS

Safety Data Sheets

The new SDS format has 16 standardized sections:

  1. Identification
  2. Hazard(s) identification
  3. Composition of ingredients
  4. First-aid measures
  5. Fire-fighting measures
  6. Accidental release measures
  7. Handling and storage
  8. Exposure control/PPE
  9. Physical and chemical properties
  10. Stability and reactivity
  11. Toxicological information
  12. Ecological information
  13. Disposal considerations
  14. Transport information
  15. Regulatory information
  16. Other information

SDS-Example of the New Format

new SDS

GHS Labels

Example Label

example GHS Product Label

(Click or tap image for expanded view)


New Pictograms

new pictograms

(Click or tap image for expanded view)

Transport Pictograms

When chemicals are being transported a different set of pictograms are used on the packaging.

Transport pictograms

(Click or tap image for expanded view)

Reducing Hazard Exposure

Control Hierarchy

The first consideration for controlling hazards is to eliminate the hazard or substitute a less hazardous material or process. When it is not possible to eliminate a hazard, you should control the hazard using the following methods (in order):

  1. Engineering.
  2. Administrative.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Applying this hierarchy is a systematic approach to identify the most effective method of risk reduction. The highest-level feasible control should be selected.

Engineering Controls

Administrative Controls

Administrative controls significantly limit daily exposure to hazards through policies and procedures that provide guidance for safe work practices and standard for behavior.

Examples include Job Safety Analyses (JSA) (see EH&S -400.04, Job Safety Analysis Policy for performance guidance), standard operating procedures (SOP), job rotation, training, signs and warning labels, personal hygiene, housekeeping and maintenance.

Administrative controls do not remove hazards, but help to limit or prevent exposure to the hazards.

Personal Protective Equipment


Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguisher Guidelines

Never fight a fire:

How to operate a fire extinguisher:

training image Pull  training image Aim  training image Squeeze  training image Sweep 

Miscellaneous Fire Guidelines

All open flames, open burns and the use of pyrotechnics/fireworks, both indoors and outdoors, are strictly prohibited at the Health Sciences Center except for:

Safety Support