Institutional Review Board


LSUHSC-NO investigators frequently conduct research at, or in collaboration with researchers from, multiple local instiitutions. The HSC-NO HRPP is always endevouring to streamline processes for review and approval of such studies in order to facilitate collaborative research among local investigators. 

Please click on the links below for more information on the processes or forms used to submit research studies for reveiw at the respective institutions:

The LSUHSC-NO and CHNOLA IRB Offices have developed several joint forms for use when HSC-NO investigators are conducting research at Children's Hospital. Please use the following forms as appropriate for the study:

Research Involving CHNOLA, LSUHSC, and Tulane Conducted at CHNOLA   

CHNOLA, LSUHSC, and Tulane IRBs are providing the following combined general guidance related to assent requirements for pediatric studies where CHNOLA, LSUHSC or Tulane IRB is the IRB of record and one or both of the other IRBs are expected to be engaged. If you have additional questions or concerns please reach out to your specific IRB, however we are all happy to assist: 

  1. Best practices related to the involvement of children in research studies indicate that children 7 years of age and older should assent.
  2. Best practices related to the involvement of children in research studies indicate that two separate assents are appropriate - one for younger children (age 7 to 12) and an alternative version for older children (age 13-17). These different forms are recommended due to the complexities of studies and the changing language abilities of children across development.
  3. The assent form should be a separate document from the parental permission/consent.
  4. If the PI has compelling reasons for single assent form, meaning one consent form for all children or a permission/assent document, or deviations from age ranges due to concerns about developmental differences, or other study aspects, the PI should discuss this with the IRB of record.  If the IRB of record is in agreement with the PI's proposed deviations from the best practices stated above, for a particular study, then, in general, the relying IRBs will defer decision to the IRB of record. 

Unfunded, Investigator-Initiated Research 

Both an LSUHSC Investigator and an Ochsner Investigator need to be involved in the protocol. Each investigator is responsible for submitting an IRB application to their respective IRB. Reliance is not allowed for these studies. 

Funded, Multi-Center Research

When the overall PI of the research is LSUHSC-affiliated, the LSUHSC IRB will act as the Reviewing IRB and Ochsner will rely. The reliance arrangement will be documented in IREx. 

When the overall PI of the research is Ochsner-affiliated, the LSUHSC IRB will rely on the Ochsner IRB for review. The reliance arrangment will be documented in SMART IRB. 

Studies conducted by LSUHSC investigators that involve the use of UMC resources or facilities, or the participation of UMC personnel, require review and approval not only by the LSUHSC IRB, but also by the UMC Research Review Committee (RRC). No study activities, or even activities preparatory to research such as feasibility and pre-screening of individual patient charts, may be initiated until all approvals are in place.

The UMC Research Review Application has been incorporated into the Kuali Research (KR) IRB Protocol form; UMC-specific questions are displayed if UMC is selected as a performance site. Additionally, the use of UMC-Specific forms may be required based on your responses and are embedded into the application and listed below. 

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the UMC Office of Research at

LSUHSC-UMC Joint HIPAA Authorization forms are available in multiple languages on this page.