Dining Services
Welcome to LSUHSC's Dining Services. We are responsible for all campus dining services including the Tiger Den café in the MEB, the Dental School café, the Atrium Coffee Kiosk and Campus Catering. We take great privilege in providing services to you with high quality, excellent customer service, healthy options, variety and value. We are listening so if you have an idea or suggestion please fill out the comment/suggestion form.
Please take a moment to browse this week's menu:
Menu subject to change based on product availability and staffing.
Operating Hours
Monday through Friday:
Tiger Den Café- 3rd Floor MEB7:00 AM - 10:00 AM- Breakfast 11:00 AM- 1:30 PM- Lunch
Dental Café-1st Floor Dental Administration Building7:30 AM - 10:00 AM- Breakfast 11:00 AM- 1:30 PM- Lunch
Atrium Coffee Kiosk - 3rd Floor MEB/AHN Atrium7:00 AM - 10:00AM 11:00AM - 2:00pm
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Let us cater your next event!
New 2023 Menu:
To submit an order please email the Catering Request Form to cafemeb@lsuhsc.edu.
All orders must be submitted via email and atleast 7 days in advance.
Justine Cristadoro
Director of Dining Services, Downtown Campus
Kendell Trapegnier
Executive Chef of Dining Services, Downtown Campus
Keith Waguespack
Assistant Manager of Dining Services, Downtown Campus
Angel Miller
Assistant Manager of Dining Services, Dental School
Contact Us
Dining Services Administration
1901 Perdido St., 3rd Floor MEB
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 568-2241