Contracts and Clinical Trials Office


Documents Reviewed     

Clinical Trial Agreements (CTA) & Amendments

The CCTO reviews and negotiates all contracts/agreements for or related to industry-supported research. Contracts are negotiated in accordance with University legal policies and procedures.    

Data Transfer & Use Agreements (DTUA) 

The CCTO reviews and negotiates DTUAs for or related to research conducted by LSUHSC faculty. Contracts are negotiated in accordance with University legal policies and procedures.  

Medicare Coverage Analysis (MCA)

The CCTO utilizes third-party Medicare coverage analysis research solutions for all clinical trials/research. Use of third-party services reduces the possibility of improper billing processes, shortens the time required for coverage analysis and assures the right payer covers costs. The CCTO will provided the appropriate documentation needed to complete MCA to third-party services providers via their online portals.

Internal & Sponsor Budgets

The CCTO reviews and negotiates all budgets for industry-supported research. Budgets are negotiated in accordance with University financial policies and procedures as well as hospital policies and procedures, as applicable. 

LSUHSC's current Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates can be found here. Upon receipt of a draft budget and MCA, a member of the CCTO will meet/email with the PI and other appropriate study personnel to review the draft documents. If acceptable, the PI will sign off. As changes are made, the PI and appropriate personnel will be consulted and the PI will continue to sign off until a final budget is negotiated.

How to Submit

Please submit all applicable documents related to the contract to the CCTO via the Kuali Negotiations Module. Make sure to note if the research will take place at a hospital.

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The following documents must be provided to the CCTO before negotiations can begin: 

The CCTO will handle negotiations directly with the Sponsor and any third parties involved (i.e., hospitals).

Upon completion of the negotiations, CCTO will route the final contract/agreement, budget, MCA, and any other relevant documents to LSUHSC and the hospital, if applicable, for the appropriate signatures. The Sponsor will receive a partially executed copy for them to execute.


      Contract Administration Roles & Responsibilities Matrix 

      Clinical Trial Agreement Template  

      Clinical Trial Amendment Template    

      Data Use and Transfer Agreement Template (HIPAA)    

      Data Use and Transfer Agreement Template (Common Rule)    

      Kuali QuickGuide: Submitting Contracts and Agreements for Review (PDF)  

      Kuali QuickGuide: Submitting Contracts and Agreements for Review (Video)  

      LSUHSC In-House Budget Worksheet    

      LSU Health Fee Schedule  

      LSUHSC / OLOL Fee Schedule


Negotiations and Routing Workflow

      Routing Contracts & Budgets for Review, Negotiation, & Execution

      Routing Contracts & Budgets for Review, Negotiation, & Execution - Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center                                             

      UMC Clinical Trials Approval Process