Contracts and Clinical Trials Office



Study Conduct

Version Date
  Protocol Implementation Checklist 07.07.2022
  Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Checklist 08.02.2022
  Screening Log 08.08.2022
  Consent Process Checklist 08.02.2022
  Enrollment Log 08.08.2022
  Subject Payment/Stipend Log 09.09.2022
  Subject ClinCard Receipt  06.12.2023
  Specimen Tracking Log 08.02.2022
  Specimen Destruction Log 08.02.2022
  Regulatory Binder Guidance 08.05.2022
  Emergency Preparedness Guidance 08.05.2022
  Study Subject Contact Information Log 08.08.2022
  Research Training Log 09.28.2022
  Delegation of Authority 09.28.2022

Notes to File

Version Date
  Note to File - PI Privileges 07.07.2022
  Note to File - Event Documentation  07.07.2022
  Note to File - Miscellanous  07.07.2022


Version Date
  FDA Inspection Intake Form 08.02.2022
  FDA Inspection Checklist 08.02.2022
  Subject Record Review Worksheet 08.05.2022
  Informed Consent Form Review Worksheet 08.02.2022