Institutional Biosafety Committee


The LSUHSC-NO IBC composition conforms to the minimum requirements stipulated in the NIH Guidelines. The Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs appoints a minimum of seven IBC members and designates the Committee Chairperson. Membership must satisfy the first five categories listed below and have sufficient number of individuals who satisfy the remaining categories.

  1. The IBC Chairperson
  2. The Biological Safety Officer (BSO) (Vice-chairperson:  in the absence of Chairperson or when Chairperson has a conflict of interest, the BSO has the authority vested in Chairperson)
  3. Director, Office of Research Services (ex officio and IBC contact person)
  4. At least two members not affiliated with LSUHSC (apart from their membership on the IBC) who represent the interests of the surrounding community with respect to health and protection of the environment
  5. At least one individual with expertise in animal containment principles
  6. If recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids (r/sNA) research involving plants is proposed, at least one individual with expertise in plants, plant pathogen, or plant pest containment principles
  7. If r/sNA research involving human subjects is proposed, at least one individual who has adequate experience and training in the field of human gene transfer
  8. Additional members will be selected to ensure the competency necessary to review and approve work involving r/sNA or other pathogenic agents