Moodle Docs

In discussion forums, intructors and students have an opportunitty come together and collaborate on course topics or activities. A forum can have several "threads" as well as having the option to generate e-mail notices for subscribed participants. 


Creating a Discussion Forum:

  • On the course homepage > click Turn Editing on
  • In the section where you want the assignment to appear > click Add an activity or resource
  • Click the radio button beside Forum
  • Click Add



Set up the Forum:



      1. Forum Name/Description:

  • The name will appear as a link to access the forum on the main course page
  • The desription should give some insight into what the forum would be used for

      2. Forum type:

  • Single simple discussion : Everyone can reply to topics
  • Each person posts one discussion : Students can only post one new topic, but replies are endless
  • Q and A forum : Students must post reply to topic before they can conitnue participation or see other posts.
  • Standard-forum dusplayed in a blog-like format : Anyone can start a topic at anytime and topics are displayed on one page and include 'Discuss tis topics'
  • Standard forum for general use : (Default) Similar to 'Standard-forum dusplayed in a blog-like format' in that anyone can start a topic, but the forum nameis displayed along with a list of participants

      3. Attachments and Word Count:

  • Select the Maximum attachment size/number of attachments for each post
  • Choose 'Yes' for Display word count  if  you want to see the word count at bottom of every post

      4. Subscription and Tracking:

  • Optional subscription All choose whether or not to subscribe
  • Forced subscription All are subscribed and cannot unsubscribe
  • Auto-subscription All are subscribe initially but can unsubscribe.
  • Subsciption disabled None can subscibe

      5. Post Threshold for Blocking:

  • Time for blocking will give students a number of days to make certain posts
  • Post threshold for blocking gives the maximum number of times a student can post for the given time
  • Post threshold for warning is the number of posts a student must reach in order to warned 

      6. Grade: Set to the minimum grade needed to pass. 

      7. Ratings: Provides options for grading Forum replies.

  • Average of ratings - calculates the average of all grades assigned to each posting.
  • Maximum of ratings - uses the highest single grade assigned to a posting.
  • Minimum of ratings - uses the lowest single grade assigned to a posting.
  • Count of ratings - the number of rated items becomes the final grade.
  • Sum of ratings - calculates the total of all grades assigned.