Office of International Services




International Educational Experiences


CM-65 International Educational Experiences

The above Chancellor's Memorandum outlines institutional requirements for all IEE opportunities.

IEE Committee Members

Please contact the committee member assigned to your school/area with questions or concerns about the IEE process

Committee Chair: Dr. Emilio Russo, School of Medicine

Remy Allen , International Services

Dr. Laura Bonanno , School of Nursing (Grad)

Dr. Todd Tartavoulle, School of Nursing (Undergrad)

Dr. Erin Dugan , School of Allied Health Professions

Dr. Lynda Harhad , School of Dentistry

Dr. John Hutchings , School of Medicine, Graduate Medical Education (Residents)

Dr. Cathy Lazarus , School of Medicine, Student Affairs

Dr. Annelies DeWulf, School of Medicine

Leigh Smith-Vaniz , School of Graduate Studies

Dr. Edward Trapido , School of Public Health


MOU Partner IEE Opportunities

Non-MOU Partner IEE Opportunities

 IEE Committee Coronavirus Resources