Institutional Review Board


10/05/2022 Overview of the IRB PPT / PDF
11/09/2022 Database & Repository Research PPT / PDF
12/07/2022 Reportable New Information   PPT / PDF
01/11/2023 Emergency Preparedness in Research PPT / PDF
02/01/2023 Informed Consents & HIPAA Authorizations PPT / PDF
03/01/2023 Renewals PPT / PDF
04/05/2023 Regulatory Binders PPT / PDF
05/03/2023 Expanded Access Use of Test Article PPT / PDF
06/07/2023 Non-Human Subjects Research Determinations PPT / PDF
07/05/2023 Reliance PPT / PDF
08/02/2023 Study Team Regulatory Responsibilities PPT / PDF 
09/06/2023 FDA's IRB Inspection: A Post-Mortem PPT / PDF
10/04/2023 Exempt Determinations & Limited IRB Review PPT / PDF
11/01/2023 Expedited Review PPT / PDF
12/06/2023 Full Board Review PPT / PDF
01/10/2024 Informed Consent Forms  PPT / PDF
02/07/2024 Amendments PPT / PDF
03/06/2024 Closing a Study  PPT / PDF
04/03/2024 Overview of the Office of Research Services PPT / PDF