Interprofessional Education

TEAM UP™ Faculty Graders

With over 1,500 students engaged in TEAM UP COMPASSION, COMMUNICATION, COLLABORATION® (TEAM UP™) each year, providing meaningful feedback on individual and team assignments and reflections takes a cooperative effort from our Faculty Graders in all six schools.

Our Faculty Graders are paired with two student teams for the academic year and grade assignments in Moodle (approximately once per month). This equates to a time commitment of 1-2 hours per month during the fall and spring semesters. 

Additionally, Faculty Graders have opportunities to participate in scholarly activity associated with the interprofessional experiences of the IPECP office. If are interested in serving as a Faculty Grader, please contact Tina Gunaldo to receive more information. 

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Grade assignments within the required time frame (email reminders and Outlook calendar invitations are provided).  

  • Provide meaningful feedback to individual students and student teams.

  • Acknowledge outstanding/exceptional student reflections to IPECP office for further recognition.

  • Share with IPECP if student response to assignment is unprofessional (it is acceptable for a student to write about a negative experience in a professional manner).

  • Alert IPECP office if student response indicates their team may need support.

Faculty Grader Spotlight

We would like to recognize the following Faculty Graders for their commitment to student learning and interprofessional education. These Faculty Graders have worked with students in TEAM UP™ for 5+ years!


TU Graders 2023_24      
