Mobile Clinical Orthopedic Exam

Looking for a mobile app to diagnose musculoskeletal injuries and disorders? Clinically Relevant Technologies has developed an application for both iPhone and Android which includes descriptions, demonstrative video clips, and references from the medical literature for over 200 musculoskeletal diagnostic tests.

What I like about it is that every test is referenced back to a clinical citation. Tests must meet three main criterion for inclusion:

1) The test must be described/referenced in a peer-reviewed medical journal
2) The test must be used in the evaluation and diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathology
3) The test would be performed by the clinician or as part of clinical evaluation (not include laboratory or diagnostic imaging tests for example).

At $39.99, this app isn’t the cheapest, but as iPhone App review points out, “an equivalent text would cost several-fold more and cannot offer the same portability and ease of use”.

For screen shots and more info, check out i Medical Apps.

Available for iPhone and Android platforms

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Molly K, JK Lloyd. JK Lloyd said: Blogged: Clinical ORthopedic Exam for mobiles […]