The Libraries have offered a blitz of classes in honor of National Medical Librarians Month which ended on Friday. Here are the final two classes associated with our month of events:
General Library Systems Class @ Isché Wednesday, November 5th 10 – 11:30 am
Keep Current – Tools for Productivity Class @ Isché Friday, November 7th 12 noon -1 pm
Register today by calling the Circulation Desk (504-568-5550) or by emailing
Don’t forget to come to the Isché Library today between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm for the Shin-Dig!

Three Library Witches
Candy, Information, Giveaways!
Well, we?óÔé¼Ôäóve reached the end of National Medical Librarians Month, and as things draw to a close we?óÔé¼Ôäód like to focus on one more new resource with which you are already familiar: the new and improved E-journals list.
Let?óÔé¼Ôäós review the advice and words of caution Becky provided us when it came out:
Due to various reasons, the list is not a comprehensive listing of the electronic journals we have, but it?óÔé¼Ôäós relatively close.
Always check INNOPAC if you want to be 100% sure we don?óÔé¼Ôäót own a title. (There?óÔé¼Ôäós even a button for this on the list.)
The list includes all those strange non-health related titles we get through LOUIS, which is an advantage if someone comes looking for Harvard Business Journal or Consumer Reports
The list requires login to WAM for off campus access.
Some MD Consult titles may prompt for your lsuhsc username & password (Lancet, etc)
You don?óÔé¼Ôäót have to put in a full journal title to search, however, searching MEDLINE abbreviations may give you trouble
There is a short e-journals tutorial
Task for Week 4:
What?óÔé¼Ôäós the strangest journal name on list? Post yours in the comments

Display week 4 NMLM
The Dental Library Open House will be today from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Go and “Sink Your Teeth In!”

Sink Your Teeth In at the Dental Library Open House
The Isché Library will be hosting a Halloween Shin-Dig from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Friday, October 31st. |
Stay tuned for more Information! |
Two more chances to learn and one chance to celebrate:
Advanced Googling Class @ Isché Friday, October 24th from 12 noon to 1 pm
PubMed Class @ Dental Monday, October 27th from 12 noon to 1 pm
Check out the Dental Library Open House on Tuesday, October 28th from 11:30 to 1:30; Go and “Sink Your Teeth In!”

Sink Your Teeth In at the Dental Open House
Hello again from the NMLM Committee. We?óÔé¼Ôäóre halfway through this whirlwind staff development course ?óÔé¼ÔÇ£ thanks for hanging in there! This week we?óÔé¼Ôäóre exploring social networking and the library?óÔé¼Ôäós Facebook page.
Social Networking sites are online communities where people can connect with their friends and discover other people who have similar interests. Often social networking sites have features that allow users to interact with each other through features like photo sharing, chat, messaging, group invitations to events and more. Popular social networking sites include MySpace, Facebook, and Linkedin.
For an introduction to social networking, watch this 3 minute video: ?óÔé¼?ôSocial networking in plain English?óÔé¼?Ø by Common Craft:
Library applications
The Dental library and Isch?â?® library both have a page on Facebook. Facebook members can become ?óÔé¼?£fans?óÔé¼Ôäó of the libraries, which allows you to leave comments, see events, view pictures, and more.
Task for week 3:
View to the library facebook pages.
Are you a member of Facebook? Add the library as a fan and leave a comment on our Wall about what you?óÔé¼Ôäód like to see on the library Facebook page.
Not a member of Facebook? If you do not want to create a profile in Facebook, leave a comment on the library blog post for this week ?óÔé¼?ôCan ya dig it?: social networking at the library?óÔé¼?Ø about what you?óÔé¼Ôäód like to see on the library Facebook page.

NMLM Facebook display
Two classes are happening this week:
General Library Systems @ Isché on Tuesday, October 21st from 1:30-3 pm
Health Literacy @ Dental on Wednesday, October 22nd from 12 noon to 1 pm
Register by calling either the Isch?â?® or Dental Libraries’ Circulation Desks (504-568-5550 or 504-941-8158) or by emailing either or
Think about how you save web pages you visit frequently. Most people are aware of the ?óÔé¼?£Favorites?óÔé¼Ôäó feature on Internet Explorer (or ?óÔé¼?£bookmarks?óÔé¼Ôäó in FireFox). You find a page you want to remember, store it in your ?óÔé¼?£Favorites?óÔé¼Ôäó, and use that whenever you want to visit or remember a favorite website. When you add a page to your ?óÔé¼?£Favorites?óÔé¼Ôäó on a web browser like Internet Explorer, it is stored in your computer. If you use multiple computers you may have different bookmarks saved on different computers.
Read more >
Check out three more opportunities to learn!
RefWorks Class @ Dental Library Tuesday, Oct. 14th 12 noon – 1 pm
Navigating E-Journals @ Isché Library Wednesday, Oct. 15th 12 noon – 1 pm
RefWorks Class @ Isché Library Thursday Oct. 16th 9 – 10 am
Register today by calling either the Isch?â?® or Dental Libraries’ Circulation Desks (504-568-5550 or 504-941-8158) or by emailing either or
Two classes are being offered tomorrow (Wednesday, October 8th). The General Library Systems Class will be held from 9:30 – 11 a.m. at the Isché Library. And Navigating E-Journals Class will be held at the Dental Library from 12 noon to 1 p.m.
Sign up now for either class by calling the Circulation Desk at either the Isché or Dental Libraries (504-568-5550 or 504-941-8158).
October is National Medical Librarians Month. In recognition the library is doing a staff development activity to learn about some of our newer online tools. Here is week 1’s assignment: Dig Deeper with Blogs.
Not library staff & want more info? Send an email to
This week we?óÔé¼Ôäóre talking about blogs. Did you know the library has a blog? Clearly you do now as you are reading it! Read on for a background on blogs and other info?óÔé¼?ª
Introduction to blogs
?óÔé¼?ó Definition: BLOG is short for Web log, or an online journal that is frequently updated with news, views or other information.
?óÔé¼?ó For an introduction to blogs, watch this 3 minute video: ?óÔé¼?ôblogs in plain English?óÔé¼?Ø by Common Craft:
?óÔé¼?ó You can view our library blog, LSUSHSC LIBRARY NEWS, on the Isch?â?® Library homepage. All library staff can create posts on the blog or leave a comment.
Log in information
Username: your lsuhsc email alias (ie: mknapp)
Generic password: [redacted:see staff email]
Library Staff and the General Public
Haven?óÔé¼Ôäót used our blog before? Anyone can create a username & password to comment.
Task for week 1:
?óÔé¼?óAdd a comment answering the question ?óÔé¼?ôWhich tool are you most interested in learning about this month?”

NMLM: Dig Deeper Display

NMLM Upcoming Classes
Ische Library Classes |
General Library Systems |
Wednesday, Oct. 8th |
9:30 – 11 am |
Navigating E-Journals |
Wednesday, Oct. 15th |
12 – 1 pm |
RefWorks |
Thursday, Oct. 16th |
9 – 10 am |
General Library Systems |
Tuesday, October 21st |
1:30 – 3 pm |
Advanced Googling |
Friday, Oct. 24th |
12 – 1 pm |
“Can You Hear Me Now?” How to Make a Podcast |
Monday, Nov. 3rd |
9 – 12 noon
& 1 – 4 pm |
General Library Systems |
Wednesday Nov. 5th |
10 – 11:30 am |
Keep Current – Tools for Productivity |
Friday, Nov. 7th |
12 -1 pm |
Dental Library Classes |
Navigating E-Journals |
Wednesday, Oct. 8th |
12 – 1 pm |
RefWorks |
Tuesday, Oct. 14th |
12 – 1 pm |
Health Literacy |
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd |
12 – 1 pm |
PubMed |
Monday, Oct. 27th |
12 – 1 pm |
The LSUHSC Libraries will be celebrating National Medical Librarians Month in October. Stay tuned for class announcements, posters to dress up the Isché plywood construction walls, an open-house at the Dental Library and a Halloween surprise at the Isché Library. |
 Dig the Library: NMLM October 2008 |