LibKey Nomad

New LibKey Nomad feature: E-Book linking!

We’re happy to announce new functionality for the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Not only does this magical tool easily link you to the full text of articles, it now quickly brings you to the Library’s available ebooks!

The Library has access to tens of thousands of ebooks, but it’s sometimes difficult to get to them. A book may be listed on a publisher’s site and it’s not showing you can read it, but we have access to it in another place. Or, you’re browsing Amazon and find a book you want to read, but can’t find a good way to see if the Library has it. LibKey Nomad now makes finding our ebooks extremely easy.

Look for the new View E-Book icon that will bring you to that book:

Screenshot of icon with a link to an online book

Here’s an example of where this new feature is of great help:

You’re on ScienceDirect and are trying to read the 7th edition of Abernathy’s Surgical Secrets, but cannot see any of the content of the ebook. However, since you have LibKey Nomad installed, you’ll see the icon at the bottom to View E-Book:

Screenshot of ebook table of contents

When you click on the View E-Book icon, some magic happens and you’re brought to ClinicalKey, where the Library does have access to this book!

However, there is one more thing you will need to do: there is a bug in the system now that doesn’t transfer your login information to ClinicalKey. However, there is another icon that will display where you will just need to click it to reload the page and you will be authenticated and will be able to read the ebook:

Screenshot of online ebook

And this is all just that easy!

We have another example where this new feature will be helpful:

You’re looking around in Amazon and come across Dr. Porche’s Epidemiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse: A Population Health Approach. You have LibKey Nomad installed, and you see the View E-Book icon and know that will get you to where the Library has access to the book:

Screenshot of book on a shopping website

You also know that when you click that icon, you’ll need to also click the log in icon on the next page in order to read the book online:

Screenshot of ebook in database

We hope you find this new LibKey Nomad feature helpful when you’re looking for an ebook. More information about LibKey Nomad can be found on our LibGuide.

If you have any questions or need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Library Class Offered in June!

The Libraries will offer a class titled “Making Things Easy with LibKey Nomad” on Wednesday, June 26th at 2PM. This class will explore all the features and uses of LibKey Nomad. Join us in person at room 405 in the Isché Library, or register for the Zoom!

Chat from LibKey Nomad!

A recent update to the fantabulous LibKey Nomad browser extension now lets you quickly access the Library’s chat service. Look for the chat bubble wherever you see the LibKey icons:

Screenshot of message
Screenshot of badge with link to article
Screenshot of onscreen message

When you click the icon, the chat box will open and you can ask Library staff for help:

Screenshot of chat box

Click the chat icon to close the box. The chat service is available during the Library’s open hours.

LibKey Nomad is available for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox, Brave, and Vivaldi. You can download the extension by going to You can also find browser-specific download links and more information about LibKey Nomad on our LibGuide.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

UPDATE: Troubles accessing articles via LibKey fixed

October 12, 2022 Update: This problem has been resolved, so you should be prompted to log in when needed while getting journal articles when connected to LSUHSC-Secure, the VPN, Citrix, or when in the 1542 building. If you run into any issues, please contact us with the citation of the article you’re having difficulty getting to as well as what network you’re using on your computer.

We are aware there is a problem that is affecting accessing articles via the LibKey products when connected via LSUHSC-Secure, the VPN, Citrix, or when in the 1542 building.

The authentication that is needed to get to articles is not being carried over to the links LibKey provides at this time. We are working with LibKey support to resolve the problem.

Until it is fixed, if you run into a problem when accessing an article via the Library’s link resolver or directly using any of the LibKey products, you can go to the journal’s web site using the Library Catalog or the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List. You will be prompted to log in as needed to access articles.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.

LibKey Nomad now available for Safari!

The LibKey Nomad browser extension that makes getting articles and using databases such as PubMed easy is now available for the desktop version of Safari.

Go to the Mac App Store to download the extension.

Then, open the LibKey Nomad app and follow these directions to make it active in Safari:

Screenshot of installation instructions

When you are asked to select an organization, search for LSU and choose LSU Health Sciences Center:

Screenshot of browser extension

Our LibKey Nomad LibGuide has additional information on using this extension, but please contact us if you need any help.

CALS building access to Library resources

Picture of building exterior

If you are moving to the CALS building, please note that there will be a change to how you access Library resources. Due to the network that is used in CALS, it will appear as if you are off campus.

For those moving from the MEB in particular, if you’re used to going to sites directly without using Library links to do so, you will run into trouble getting resources as your new connection will not be seen as being truly on campus.

To ensure you’re recognized by resource providers as publishers as having access, it is best to use the links we have to databases, books, and journals. Using our links makes sure you’re authenticated and will not run into paywalls along the way. You can find these links in a variety of places: the Library’s web site, the Library catalog, the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List, and our databases list. If you’ve not authenticated, you will be asked to log in using either your LSUHSC-NO email, a Library-issued barcode, or your network username. More information about logging in can be found on our Off Campus LibGuide.

A handy tool to help you navigate the minefield of authentication and access is the LibKey Nomad browser extension. It displays quick links to articles along with prompting for authentication when needed. It can be used in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Brave, and Vivaldi browsers.

Another quick way to get to articles is the quick DOI and PMID lookup tool. All you need to do is plug in a PMID or DOI and let not only lead to the article, or options to get it, but it also ensures you’re signed in when needed. We have more information about this tool on our LibGuide.

We also have a LibGuide about accessing resources from CALS.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Retracted article alerts now available in LibKey products

It’s a lot easier to know whether an article you’re reading or would like to cite has been retracted with new features available in LibKey Nomad, LibKey Link, and These tools now make it easier than ever to see that something has happened to a published article and has been retracted.

If you use LibKey Nomad, you will see in your search results in many databases that the article has been retracted:

Screenshot of search results

These alerts extend to LibKey Link and when you see this screen with options for getting the original article:

Screenshot of links to a journal article

When you see this screen, it also provides additional information explaining why the article was retracted:

Screenshot of article retraction reasons

Finally, if you have LibKey Nomad and go to a publisher’s site for an article, you will see this icon displayed at the bottom of the page for a retracted article:

Screenshot of retraction icon

Hopefully this information will be useful in your research needs, but if you have any questions about this or any other Library resources contact us.

Update: New Web of Science and LibKey Nomad

November 15, 2021 Update: Good news! The new version of Web of Science now works with LibKey Nomad! You can use what is hopefully your favorite browser extension to help you get to articles more easily when searching Web of Science.

Now that LibKey Nomad supports the new Web of Science, when you search a topic, the results will give you quick access to PDFs:

Screenshot of search results

The legacy version of Web of Science is set to be retired in early 2022, so this is a very welcome addition for LibKey Nomad.

If you need help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.


Original post from June 7, 2021: If you’ve started using the new version of Web of Science, please note that it is not yet compatible with LibKey Nomad.

In the old version of Web of Science, you will see the LibKey Nomad enhancements including journal cover images and quick links to PDFs from the search results:

Screenshot of database

In the new Web of Science you will only see links to our WebBridge LR link resolver that will help you get the full text of the article:

Screenshot of database page

We will update when the new Web of Science supports LibKey Nomad, but if you need help with this or any other Library resources please contact us.

Issues with PubMed and myNCBI/PubMed login

If you follow the Library’s link to PubMed where you are asked to log in through EZproxy, please note there is a problem when attempting to log into your myNCBI/PubMed account using the third party/federated logins such as Google and After following the Library’s link to PubMed and then logging into your myNCBI/PubMed account, you will most likely encounter an error message or just a blank screen.

At present, the only login that will work if you use the Library’s link to PubMed is the old NCBI account login, but only if you went through the transition steps before this login option was phased out in June.

Screenshot of login options

If you did not transition this account, you will not be able to create a new one at this time.

Please remember that creating a myNCBI/PubMed account will not grant you access to journals. This account just provides the ability to save searches and create search alerts.

However, if you would like to use your myNCBI/PubMed account and have easy access to articles in journals the Library subscribes to, we recommend the following:

  • Install LibKey Nomad in your browser; it can be used in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge; you can also install LibKey Nomad in Chrome found in your Citrix desktop
  • Go directly to
  • Log in to your myNCBI/PubMed account using the federated method you choose (Google,, etc.)

With these above steps, you will have easy access to full text with LibKey Nomad yet still have the ability to work with your myNCBI/PubMed account.

Additionally, please note that we do not support the Research Institution login at this time. As a result, you will need to use one of the other login options listed for the myNCBI/PubMed account. We will update when there is a change to this.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Update: Link resolver working in Web of Science

UPDATE: The link resolver is again working in both the new and classic versions of Web of Science. However, if you wish to use LibKey Nomad with Web of Science, you will need to use the instructions below on how to access the classic version.

The WebBridge LR link resolver is currently not working in both versions of Web of Science. This problem has been reported and we will update when the functionality has been restored.

The new version is now the default view for Web of Science and LibKey Nomad does not work with it now, unfortunately. With the link resolver not working in either version, getting to full text of articles is a bit more difficult, but you can still access the old version of Web of Science where LibKey Nomad works fine,

To get to the classic version of Web of Science click on the Products menu to the right of the screen; there you will see the link for Web of Science (Classic):

Screenshot of a database

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Use PubMed? Then get LibKey Nomad!

It can be a struggle getting to articles when searching PubMed. Although we suggest you use our link to PubMed that turns on our link resolver, we know that’s not always the most convenient way. There is, however, a nifty little tool that makes getting articles in PubMed really easy.

LibKey Nomad is a handy browser plugin that enhances PubMed and brings the Library’s journal holdings to you. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave browsers.

When installed, you will see PubMed come to life with new links to articles:

Screenshot of PubMed search results

You can get to articles directly from your search results, so no more clicking back and forth to view the abstract and then see if we have access to that article!

Installing LibKey Nomad is easy. Just start at and then choose your browser. Once you’ve installed it, search for LSU and then choose “LSU Health Sciences Center”:

Choose institution for LibKey Nomad.

Now you’re good to go and you’ll wonder how you ever searched PubMed without LibKey Nomad.

The benefits of LibKey Nomad are not exclusive to PubMed; if you search Scopus or Web of Science, this tool also works with those sites.

More information about setting up and using LibKey Nomad can be found on our LibGuide. However, if you need any information about this or any other Library resources please contact us.

Let LibKey Nomad help you get articles!

LibKey Nomad logo

Are you finding it difficult to get the full text or PDF of articles? Frustrated by having to log in over and over? LibKey Nomad is here to help!

With so many activities happening off campus, it’s sometimes a bit more difficult to get to the articles you need. We have quite a few tools that can help, including a browser extension called LibKey Nomad. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave browsers and it brings the Library’s journal holdings to you.

Although it’s usually best to start off at the Library’s site to start your research, if you are going directly to publishers’ sites through Google Scholar or a similar site, LibKey Nomad will provide links to get you to the articles very easily.

When you get to a page with a journal article, just look for one of the LibKey Nomad icons that will get you to that full text:

Icon for PDF download

You will be asked to log in when needed, but you may also be directed to a free version of the article if it is available.

LibKey Nomad also makes using PubMed and Scopus super easy, so be sure to check it out. More information about this extension, including videos, download links, and other tips can be found on our LibKey Nomad LibGuide.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.

LibKey Nomad available for Firefox

LibKey Nomad logo

We have some great news for all Firefox users: the LibKey Nomad extension that makes using PubMed simple and getting articles a breeze is now available for Firefox!

LibKey Nomad brings the Library’s online subscriptions to you by enhancing PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, along with many other sources. It’s easy to link to the full text of journal articles with this extension by your side.

Firefox now joins Chrome, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave in the family of LibKey Nomad-compatible browsers. We have a LibGuide that walks you through installing and configuring the extension along with showing off some of its features.

You can download the Firefox Add-On here. We also have a video that walks you through installing and configuring this helpful tool.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, contact us. We’re always ready to help!

LibKey Nomad available for more browsers

LibKey Nomad logo

The LibKey Nomad browser extension, previously only available for Chrome, can now be installed in Vivaldi, Brave, and Microsoft Edge browsers. This nifty tool enhances PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, and makes getting to the full-text of articles easy.

These newly-supported browsers allow installations from the Chrome Web Store. To install and configure the extension, follow the instructions we have available on the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine Libguide or see it in action on our LibKey Nomad installation video.

Please note that for Microsoft Edge you will need to allow extensions from the Chrome Web Store in order to use LibKey Nomad.

Also, since Chrome is now the default browser in Citrix, you can install LibKey Nomad to use there as well. We have a video that walks you through that process.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Scopus and Web of Science now easier with LibKey Nomad!

If you’ve been using the LibKey Nomad Chrome browser extension to get quick access to articles in PubMed, those same features are now available in Scopus and Web of Science!

Now you can link directly to articles or the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver directly from the search results in both databases. You can also view the article in the journal issue where it is published via BrowZine.

In Scopus, your search results can now look like this:

Screenshot of search results from a database

Similarly, your Web of Science results can also have these features:

Screenshot of search results

To take advantage of these new features, you need to install and configure the LibKey Nomad browser extension for Chrome. Information on how to do this is available in the LibKey Nomad section of our BrowZine LibGuide. You can also take advantage of these features in Citrix by installing LibKey Nomad in Chrome in your Citrix desktop. Here is a quick video showing how to do this.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, please contact us!