Retracted article alerts now available in LibKey products

It’s a lot easier to know whether an article you’re reading or would like to cite has been retracted with new features available in LibKey Nomad, LibKey Link, and These tools now make it easier than ever to see that something has happened to a published article and has been retracted.

If you use LibKey Nomad, you will see in your search results in many databases that the article has been retracted:

Screenshot of search results

These alerts extend to LibKey Link and when you see this screen with options for getting the original article:

Screenshot of links to a journal article

When you see this screen, it also provides additional information explaining why the article was retracted:

Screenshot of article retraction reasons

Finally, if you have LibKey Nomad and go to a publisher’s site for an article, you will see this icon displayed at the bottom of the page for a retracted article:

Screenshot of retraction icon

Hopefully this information will be useful in your research needs, but if you have any questions about this or any other Library resources contact us.