E-Resource News

UPDATE: Library Catalog journal links temporary change

UPDATE: February 10, 2025: The issue has been resolved, and new links to journals will go back to how they usually appear in the Library catalog as we work through the backlog of adding the link to the records. Please contact us if you need any assistance.

January 30, 2025: Due to a problem in the system that runs the Library Catalog, new links to journals will appear a bit different until the underlying issue is resolved.

Any new links added to journal records will now look similar to those you find in the ebook records:

Screenshot of a link to a journal in a library catalog record

In some instances, you will see the old links to journals grouped in one area, but the current access will be in the topmost link:

Screenshot of links to online versions of journals in a library record

The links will work like all others in the Library Catalog, and you may be prompted to log in if you’ve not yet authenticated on or off campus.

If you have any questions about this or any other Library resources, contact us.

EBSCO EBooks Downtime Super Bowl Sunday

EBSCO will be performing scheduled maintenance on their eBooks system on February 9th. The scheduled maintenance will start at 1AM our time and should last about 3 hours.
Per their announcement, “During the maintenance window, users will not be able to download DRM-protected eBooks from the new user interfaces, classic Ehost/EDS, or the EBSCO Mobile App. All other eBook access is unaffected: users will continue to have access to read eBooks in the online viewer, download chapters, and download DRM-free eBooks.”

EBSCO goes on to “apologize for any inconvenience this scheduled maintenance may cause”.

New Subscriptions Announcement: Cabells Journalytics Medicine and Predatory Reports

LSUHSC Libraries now subscribes to Cabells Journalytics Medicine and Predatory Reports. These products will assist authors with evaluating scholarly journals for quality and impact and identifying predatory publishers.

Journalytics Medicine provides detailed reports on over 9,000 medical journals to assess their scope, history, quality, and impact.

Predatory Reports offers the largest database of predatory journals with reports on over 17,000 titles. It tracks the use of misleading metrics, irregular publication practices, and other predatory characteristics and then details all violations for a transparent view of each journal.

Look for an upcoming class from the Libraries about these new Cabells products and learn how to use these powerful resources to get the highest impact for your journal publication.

Please contact us at reference@lsuhsc.edu with any questions.

EBSCO eBook outage planned Sunday 1/19

EBSCO eBooks will undergo maintenance on Sunday, January 19th, shortly after midnight lasting a few hours, and some features will not be available.


During this maintenance window, users will not be able to download DRM-protected eBooks from the new EBSCO user interfaces (EBSCOhost, EDS, Explora), classic EBSCOhost and EDS, or the EBSCO Mobile App. All other eBook access is unaffected: users will continue to have access to read eBooks in the online viewer, download chapters, and download DRM-free eBooks.

We apologize for any inconvenience this scheduled maintenance may cause.

Journal of the Louisiana Public Health Association

January 13, 2025

The Library is excited to announce that the Journal of the Louisiana Public Health Association is now live in the Digital Scholar! All previous years are available for viewing and will be updated with each new volume. You can find it from the main Library page, selecting LSU Health Digital Scholar, and then Journals. The JLPHA is now accepting submissions for its Fifth Volume, which can be done by clicking the Submit Research link on the Journal’s page. It’s sitting Editor-In-Chief is Dr. Donna Williams, from LSUHSC – New Orleans’ own School of Public Health.


UPDATE: Problems accessing De Gruyter journals

UPDATE: Friday, January 10, 2025: The problem has been fixed, and all Library links to our De Gruyter subscriptions should work as expected now.

Friday, January 10, 2025: We are currently having problems when trying to access the journals Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship published by De Gruyter. If you use Library links to these journals, you will not be able to access our subscribed content.

We have reached out to the publisher to fix the problem, but please contact us if you need an article from either of the journals or if you run into any other problems.

EZproxy system maintenance December 20-21, 2024

December 20, 2024: On Friday, December 20, 2024, starting at 11pm until Saturday, December 21, 2024, 11am EZproxy will be undergoing maintenance. You will be unable to log in to any resources when following one of our links from the Library’s webpages, catalog, or link resolver products.

You can, however, access the resources that support logging in directly using OpenAthens during this maintenance. A list of resources that support direct login is available under OpenAthens-native resources: https://libguides.lsuhsc.edu/openathens/resources.

If you have any questions or need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

Small changes to logging into Library resources

November 13, 2024: We’ve made a couple of changes in the background systems that help you log into Library resources, and you may see some small changes here and there.

If you are on campus using a wired workstation or connected to the LSUHSC-Secure wireless network, you may be asked to enter your full LSUHSC-NO email address when you see this screen:

Screenshot of email login prompt

After you’ve entered your entire LSUHSC-NO email account or chosen your LSUHSC-NO account you’ve previously used, you may see this box, where you will just need to enter your username (the bit before the @lsuhsc.edu) and your current password:

Screenshot of username and password login prompt

When off campus, you will notice you may be asked to complete the Multifactor Authentication (MFA), where you will need to enter a two-digit number in your Microsoft Authenticator app or confirm via a phone call that you are trying to log in:

Screenshot of multifactor authentication prompt

If you’ve logged in elsewhere in your session, such as to access the Office 365 Outlook webmail, you may not be asked to provide any of the above as your previously-entered credentials will transfer to the systems that help with logging into Library resources.

Also, if you log in directly to sites using the Library’s OpenAthens setup, you will see the same prompts as above.

If you do not have Multifactor Authentication set up, you will see a message similar to this and will be unable to proceed:

Screenshot of error message for login

If you see this screen, you will need to set up Multifactor Authentication to continue to log in to Library resources. You can do so by referring to the “Enroll in MFA” section on this page: https://www.lsuhsc.edu/admin/it/security/mfa/microsoft-mfa.aspx. If you need assistance with this, please contact the Help Desk or your school’s computer supporters.

If you have any questions about this or need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

Off campus login woes? Try this!

October 25, 2024

Have you ever seen this screen when trying to log into Library resources when off campus?

Screenshot of error message on login screen

You know you’re typing in your full LSUHSC-NO email address and are entering your correct current password. However, no matter how many times you try nor what browser you use, you just can’t log in.

If you run into this situation, try logging into the Microsoft Portal at https://portal.microsoft.com. When you enter your email and password there you will be asked to complete the Multifactor Authentication (MFA) step. After you’ve successfully logged into the Microsoft Portal, you can try accessing the Library resource you were attempting to get to initially.

We’ve found that sometimes you need to get the MFA to activate in order to have logging into Library resources be successful. The links to Library resources do not trigger the MFA step, so you may get caught in a loop where you can’t log in.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with Library resources, please contact us.

UPDATE: Problems accessing all Wiley resources via Library links

UPDATE Wednesday, October 23, 2024: All Library links to Wiley content appear to be working as expected this morning. However, other institutions report this problem has been intermittent for the past couple of days, so you may run into issues unexpectedly. If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, contact us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024: We are currently experiencing issues with accessing all subscribed content on Wiley from a Library link. This affects all links from our Catalog, the E-Journals and E-Books A to Z List, our link resolver, and LibKey products. We are working on resolving the problem and will update when we have more information.

Until the problem is resolved, please use this link to access any Wiley content: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/lsuhsc.edu?url=https%3A%2F%2Fonlinelibrary.wiley.com%2F.

If you need assistance getting an article or an ebook, please contact us.

UPDATE: Problems with journals and publishers’ sites

UPDATE, October 23, 2024: Our access to the Journal of Oral Implantology has been restored, and all problems listed below have been fixed. If you need any help with these or any other Library resources, contact us.

UPDATE, October 22, 2024: Our access to Diabetes, Diabetes Care, and Diabetes Spectrum has been restored. We are still waiting on a response from the publisher of Journal of Oral Implantology as we have lost access to all of the content we’ve paid for over the years. We will update again when we have news about this journal.

UPDATE, October 17, 2024: The issue with logging in directly at some publishers’ sites has been resolved. If you run into any problems logging in directly at Wiley, Sage, or any other sites, please contact us. Unfortunately, we still do not have any updates about the journals we cannot access. If you need an article from any of these journals, please place an ILL request for the articles.

UPDATE, October 15, 2024: The problem logging in directly at some publishers’ sites using OpenAthens is not working again. You will see an error message if attempting to do so; please use the Library’s links to resources. We are also still waiting for the journals to be fixed as well.

UPDATE, October 14, 2024: The issue with logging in directly at some publishers’ sites using OpenAthens has been fixed. We are still waiting for updates on the journals where we cannot access our subscribed content.

Monday, October 14, 2024: We are experiencing a number of issues accessing journals and publishers sites.

We are unable to get to the subscribed content for the following journals:

  • Diabetes
  • Diabetes Care
  • Diabetes Spectrum
  • Journal of Oral Implantology

We are also experiencing issues when attempting to log in directly at the following publishers sites using OpenAthens:

  • Wiley
  • AAAS/Science
  • Sage
  • Any site that uses Atypon as its platform

For the sites where you are unable to log in directly using OpenAthens, please use the Library’s links to these resources.

We will update when we have more information, and please contact us if you need any assistance with these or any other Library resources.

UPDATE: Problems accessing JOSPT using Library links

UPDATE: The problem has been fixed, but contact us if you run into any problems or need any other assistance.

Monday, October 7, 2024: We are currently experiencing issues accessing content for the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) from all Library links. This affects links to the journal from the Library’s catalog, link resolver, E-Journals and E-Books A to Z List, and all LibKey products.

We are working with the publisher and our proxy service to resolve the issue.

Until the problem is fixed, please contact us if you need an article from this journal.

Update: Problems getting ScienceDirect content via Library links

UPDATE: October 4, 2024: All Library links to ScienceDirect content are working again now, but if you run into any issues, the link below will work on and off campus.

Friday, October 4, 2024: We are currently experiencing issues with accessing all subscribed content on ScienceDirect from a Library link. This affects all links from our Catalog, the E-Journals and E-Books A to Z List, our link resolver, and LibKey products. We have already reached out to ScienceDirect and are waiting for them to fix the issue.

Until the problem is resolved, please use this link to access any ScienceDirect content: https://go.openathens.net/redirector/lsuhsc.edu?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2F.

If you need assistance getting an article or an ebook, please contact us.

New LibKey Nomad feature: E-Book linking!

We’re happy to announce new functionality for the LibKey Nomad browser extension. Not only does this magical tool easily link you to the full text of articles, it now quickly brings you to the Library’s available ebooks!

The Library has access to tens of thousands of ebooks, but it’s sometimes difficult to get to them. A book may be listed on a publisher’s site and it’s not showing you can read it, but we have access to it in another place. Or, you’re browsing Amazon and find a book you want to read, but can’t find a good way to see if the Library has it. LibKey Nomad now makes finding our ebooks extremely easy.

Look for the new View E-Book icon that will bring you to that book:

Screenshot of icon with a link to an online book

Here’s an example of where this new feature is of great help:

You’re on ScienceDirect and are trying to read the 7th edition of Abernathy’s Surgical Secrets, but cannot see any of the content of the ebook. However, since you have LibKey Nomad installed, you’ll see the icon at the bottom to View E-Book:

Screenshot of ebook table of contents

When you click on the View E-Book icon, some magic happens and you’re brought to ClinicalKey, where the Library does have access to this book!

However, there is one more thing you will need to do: there is a bug in the system now that doesn’t transfer your login information to ClinicalKey. However, there is another icon that will display where you will just need to click it to reload the page and you will be authenticated and will be able to read the ebook:

Screenshot of online ebook

And this is all just that easy!

We have another example where this new feature will be helpful:

You’re looking around in Amazon and come across Dr. Porche’s Epidemiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse: A Population Health Approach. You have LibKey Nomad installed, and you see the View E-Book icon and know that will get you to where the Library has access to the book:

Screenshot of book on a shopping website

You also know that when you click that icon, you’ll need to also click the log in icon on the next page in order to read the book online:

Screenshot of ebook in database

We hope you find this new LibKey Nomad feature helpful when you’re looking for an ebook. More information about LibKey Nomad can be found on our LibGuide.

If you have any questions or need any help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

EZproxy system maintenance September 13-14, 2024

September 12, 2024: On Friday, September 13, 2024, starting at 11pm until Saturday, September 14, 2024, 11am EZproxy will be undergoing maintenance. You will be unable to log in to any resources when following one of our links from the Library’s webpages, catalog, or link resolver products.

You can, however, access the resources that support logging in directly using OpenAthens during this maintenance. A list of resources that support direct login is available under OpenAthens-native resources: https://libguides.lsuhsc.edu/openathens/resources.

If you have any questions or need any other assistance with Library resources, please contact us.