Let LibKey Nomad help you get articles!

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Are you finding it difficult to get the full text or PDF of articles? Frustrated by having to log in over and over? LibKey Nomad is here to help!

With so many activities happening off campus, it’s sometimes a bit more difficult to get to the articles you need. We have quite a few tools that can help, including a browser extension called LibKey Nomad. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, and Brave browsers and it brings the Library’s journal holdings to you.

Although it’s usually best to start off at the Library’s site to start your research, if you are going directly to publishers’ sites through Google Scholar or a similar site, LibKey Nomad will provide links to get you to the articles very easily.

When you get to a page with a journal article, just look for one of the LibKey Nomad icons that will get you to that full text:

Icon for PDF download

You will be asked to log in when needed, but you may also be directed to a free version of the article if it is available.

LibKey Nomad also makes using PubMed and Scopus super easy, so be sure to check it out. More information about this extension, including videos, download links, and other tips can be found on our LibKey Nomad LibGuide.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, contact us.