LibGuide Now Available for ScienceDirect EBS Collection

SD EBS 8-20As we announced last week, we have a special collection of EBooks from ScienceDirect available to the LSUHSC community.  Now a LibGuide has been created to help you navigate this extensive collection and we are still adding titles!    You can access the LibGuide from the left-hand column of the library’s web page or click here.  The most relevant subject headings – such as “Neuroscience” and “Biomedical Science and Medicine” – have been completed and we are in the process of  adding the rest of the collection.

On the right side of the LibGuide, the completed subjects are hyperlinked. Any subject headings that are not hyperlinked are still being processed and we hope to have them completed and hyperlinked by the middle of the week.    Each subject is divided by the year of publication and then the titles are listed alphabetically.  There are some titles in the collection that haven’t actually been published yet and will be added as they become available.

You can browse the varied topics and books in the guide.  Clicking on the title will bring you to the full-text of that ebook.  The guide is also searchable via the box at the upper right, but searching is limited to keywords in the title or authors’ names.

We will have access to this collection through June 2018.  Afterwards, we will be adding the most used titles to our permanent collection.  So please take some time to review the offerings and, if you see something you like, check it out.  Your active input really counts!