Changes to resource access from Allied Health wired workstations

If you are using a wired workstation in the Allied Health building, we’ve had to make a change that now requires you to log in when accessing Library resources. We had reports of issues when users were trying to get to ebooks, articles, and databases, and this is the way to resolve those problems.

When you click one of the Library’s links to resources, click this link:

Screenshot of login page

When you click this link, you will most likely not be asked to re-enter your credentials, as those should be pulled from when you logged into your workstation.

This change ensures that your rights to access our subscribed content is passed along to the book, journal, and database websites.

Another tool that will help you more easily access resources is the LibKey Nomad browser extension. We have a LibKey Nomad LibGuide that shows you how to set up and use this tool that makes getting to journal articles very easy.

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, contact us.