October Faculty Publications

A new selection of spook-tacular articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16.

  1. Celestin MD,Jr, Ferguson T, Ledford EC, Tseng TS, Carton T, Moody-Thomas S. Differences in treating tobacco use across national, state, and public hospital system surveys. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018;15E103.
  2. Diaz JH. A puff of spores. Wilderness Environ Med. 2018;29(1):119-122.
  3. 3. Forgues M, Mehta R, Anderson D, Morel C, Miller L, Sevy A, Son L, Arriaga M. Non-contrast magnetic resonance imaging for monitoring patients with acoustic neuroma. J Laryngol Otol. 2018;1-6.
  4. Iwuchukwu I, Mahale N, Ryder J, Hsieh B, Jennings B, Nguyen D, Cornwell K, Beyl R, Zabaleta J, Sothern M. Racial differences in intracerebral haemorrhage outcomes in patients with obesity. Obes Sci Pract. 2018;4(3):268-275.
  5. Nye MB, Osiecki J, Lewinski M, Liesenfeld O, Young S, Taylor SN, Lillis RA, Body BA, Eisenhut C, Hook Iii EW, Van Der Pol B. Detection of chlamydia trachomatis and neisseria gonorrhoeaewith the cobas CT/NG v2.0 test: Performance compared with the BD ProbeTec CT Q(x) and GC Q(x) amplified DNA and aptima AC2 assays. Sex Transm Infect. 2018;0:1-7.
  6. Peacock LM, Young A, Rogers RG. Universal cystoscopy at the time of benign hysterectomy: A debate. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;219(1):75-77.
  7.  Tartavoulle T, Adorno M, Garbee D, Kensler P, Manning J, Pierce S. Predictors of success in BSN students. Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh. 2018;15(1): 2017-0028.
  8. Taylor BD, Totten PA, Astete SG, Ferris MJ, Martin DH, Ness RB, Haggerty CL. Toll-like receptor variants and cervical atopobium vaginae infection in women with pelvic inflammatory disease. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2018;79(2):1-8.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.