Who Named It? (medical eponyms)

From Abbot’s tube (A long double-channel intestinal tube inserted through a nostril) to Zimmermann-Laband syndrome (an extremely rare inherited syndrome of gingival fibromatosis), whonamedit.com has it covered.

A biographical dictionary of over 8294 medical eponyms (people after whom something is named) and counting, whonamedit.com was created by a Norwegian group, and has been around since 1994.

What I really like about this site is the ease of use. Eponymns are listed alphabetically and by category, so if you want a list of all epoynms associated with the brain, it is quickly accessible.

There are also a fair number of biographical entries, which can be browsed by country and last name. There is a separate list of female entries. Many biographical entries also include bibliographies, which makes my little librarian heart flutter.

Whonamedit.com is a great source to check synonyms and definitions of medical conditions, and offers a fair number of biographical entries for physicians. It’s layout makes it very easy to use as a quick reference source.