Publication Alert | Faculty News

September Faculty Publications

A new selection of articles has been added to the Faculty Publications display in the Ische Library. These eight articles, as well as all of the articles in our Faculty Publications database, are authored by at least one member of our research community here at LSUHSC-New Orleans. Each month the Library is proud to present copies of eight of these publications in a rotating display of 16.

  1.  Brand B, Somers D, Wittenberg B, Gautreaux J, Deputy S. Diplopia with dural fibrotic thickening. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2018;2683-87.
  2. Gidday JM. Adaptive plasticity in the retina: Protection against acute injury and neurodegenerative disease by conditioning stimuli. Conditioning Medicine. 2018;1(2):85-97.
  3. Givens V, Brent K, Dunham M, Kanotra SP. Cricopharyngeal achalasia associated with laryngomalacia as a cause of failure to thrive. J Laryngol Otol. 2018;1-4.
  4. Mehta PK, Easter SR, Potter J, Castleberry N, Schulkin J, Robinson JN. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health: Obstetrician-gynecologists’ training, attitudes, knowledge, and practice. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2018;.
  5. Richard EB, Hamer D, Musso MW, Short T, O’Neal HR,Jr. Variability in management of patients with SJS/TEN: A survey of burn unit directors. J Burn Care Res. 2018;39(4):585-592.
  6. Sims JN, Yedjou CG, Abugri D, Payton M, Turner T, Miele L, Tchounwou PB. Racial disparities and preventive measures to renal cell carcinoma. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15(6):10.3390/ijerph15061089.
  7. Wang P. Two distinct approaches for CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing in cryptococcus neoformans and related species. mSphere. 2018;3(3):1-9.
  8. Zygourakis CC, DiGiorgio AM, Crutcher CL,2nd, Safaee M, Nicholls FH, Ore CD, Ahmed AK, Deviren V, Ames CP. The safety and efficacy of CT-guided, fluoroscopy-free vertebroplasty in adult spinal deformity surgery. World Neurosurg. 2018;116e944-e950.

Publications cited in the Faculty Publications database are harvested weekly from a variety of sources, such as PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL, to name a few. In addition to articles they include books, book chapters, papers, editorials, letters to the editor, and meeting abstracts, all authored by at least one member of the LSUHSC-NO community. The database is maintained by Reference Librarian Kathy Kerdolff and is available to the general public here or via the Library’s webpage. For a PDF of a bibliography of this month’s additions, click here. If you have an article you would like us to highlight or if you have any questions regarding the display or the database, you can contact Kathy Kerdolff.

Please come to the Library and view these recent publications by our research community.