Science and Psychiatry

For February only, download a free PDF copy of Solomon Snyder’s Science and Psychiatry: Groundbreaking Discoveries in Molecular Neuroscience. A free, monthly book download is part of the subscription from Psychiatry Online, your one-stop online shop for (free) psychiatric textbooks.

Solomon Snyder has been instrumental in the establishment of modern psychopharmacology?óÔé¼ÔÇØas a pioneer in the identification of receptors for neurotransmitters and drugs and in the explanation of the actions of psychotropic agents. Science and Psychiatry is a collection of some of his best scientific papers, publications ranging over forty years that represent important advances in psychopharmacology and molecular biology. Audacious and unanticipated when they first appeared, these papers opened up new areas of understanding and revolutionized the modern study of the brain. Republished here, they show why fundamental research into the ?óÔé¼?ômessengers of the mind?óÔé¼?Ø is as essential for clinicians as for researchers.

You can access the book from PsychiatryOnline’s home page:
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