E-Journal News

ClinicalKey is here!

We are pleased to announce that the library recently subscribed to ClinicalKey, one of Elsevier’s ebook and online journal platforms.  ClinicalKey includes over 1,000 books including some of the most popular and well-known textbooks in health sciences.  Regardless of  your department or program, there is probably a book for you in here!  Below is just a tiny snapshot of titles to pique your interest:


ClinicalKey’s journal collection includes over 650 titles including the famed Clinics (aka Clinics of North America). AND ClinicalKey is also a decision support and point-of-care tool that includes Patient Education, Guidelines, Procedures, and Clinical Overviews. Register for free to create your personalized profile where you can access Continuing Medical Education, save your searches, and create presentations.

Please check it out and familiarize yourself with this amazing resource.  If you need any assistance please contact your Librarian Liaison for further assistance.

New England Journal of Medicine PDF Downloads

New England Journal of Medicine redesigned their website, and the “Download PDF” link has a new appearance. Instead of a link that says “Download PDF”, it is now represented by an arrow pointing down. The download arrow symbol is located on the left side of each article’s page.

Here’s where you need to look now:

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Circulation Staff!

Sections of JoVE/Journal of Visualized Experiments now available

The Library is happy to announce we finally have subscriptions to six sections of JoVE/Journal of Visualized Experiments. This is one of our most-requested journals, and although we were unable to subscribe to the full journal, we hope the sections we are able to get will be of use.

You now have access to the following sections via a Library subscription both on- and off-campus:

One issue we would like to point out is indexing of JoVE in PubMed: all sections are handled as belonging to one journal, so please be sure the video you need belongs to one of the six sections above.

If you need any help with this or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Journal cancellations for 2018

Due to low use or extremely high cost-per-use, the following journals will not be renewed for 2018:

  • AIDS Education and Prevention (Guilford Press)
  • Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (Guilford Press)
  • Cell and Tissue Research (Springer)
  • Drugs and Aging (Adis/Springer)
  • Experimental Brain Research (Springer)
  • Free Radical Research (Taylor & Francis)
  • Genome (NRC Research Press)
  • Histochemistry and Cell Biology (Springer)
  • International Journal of Group Psychotherapy (Taylor & Francis)
  • Journal of Child Language (Cambridge University Press)
  • Journal of Parasitology (Allen Press)
  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry (Springer)
  • Pfluegers Archiv (Springer)
  • Social Service Review (The University of Chicago Press)
  • Virchows Archiv (Springer)

We examined statistics for these journals over a number of years in order to get a better picture of usage trends. The Library will still maintain access to older volumes, and if you need a more recent article you may request it via our Interlibrary Loan Service.

If you have any questions or need assistance with any Library resources, please contact us.

Finding articles during system outage

Although we are hoping that our system will not be down for the bulk of the day, if you need an article during this time here are a few tips and an alternative to get articles during this downtime.

If you want to check whether the Library owns a journal, the E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List is a good source but only from on campus; unfortunately, the majority of links on the list will not work as they rely on talking with our system in order to get you to the journal.

If you have the author and title of the article you need, when on campus you can attempt to get to the journal using the CrossRef Free DOI Guest Search. When you use the “Search on Article Title” option, if a match is found you will be able to use the link to get to the article:
CR Guest Search

There is no guarantee that we have access rights to the journal, though, but this is a way to get to the article while our system is down.

Even though INNOPAC, the Library’s catalog, will not be available, Library staff will have other ways to get to journals and resources during this downtime, so please contact us if you need help.

Oxford journals available on-campus only

We are currently having trouble with off-campus access and journals we receive from Oxford University Press, so these titles will be available on-campus only until the problem is fixed. You will see a note indicating on-campus only restrictions for these journals displayed in links from the Library Catalog, A to Z List, and link resolver. As soon as the issue is resolved, we will restore off-campus access.

If you need assistance when off-campus in retrieving articles from Oxford journals, please contact us.

ScienceDirect access fixed

The issue with ScienceDirect has been fixed, so links in the Library Catalog, A to Z List, and link resolver should all now work correctly.

If you need assistance with any Library resources please contact us.

New BrowZine Features

BrowZine recently rolled out two new features that supplement the ability to find journals on your favorite topics and also to save articles you’d like to read later.

When you search or browse for a title and/or subject, you will now see a link to journals that although not available to view or manage through BrowZine, are available via the Library’s E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List. These additional titles are available under the heading “Journals available outside of BrowZine” as shown below:

BZ Outside Links

You will not be able to add these titles to your BrowZine bookshelf, but they may be helpful when you’re looking for journals that pique your interest.

A second new feature just rolled out is called “My Articles.” This is new to the web version of BrowZine, and builds upon an option available in the mobile version of the service. A walkthrough about this new feature, including limitations for offline browsing, is available on the About My Articles page on the BrowZine Support site.

If you need any help with BrowZine or any other Library resources, be sure to contact us.

New link resolver option for PubMed

As we are still waiting for the problem with PubMed and the WebBridge Link Resolver to be fixed, we have introduced a temporary alternative to restore some of the link resolver features to PubMed. When you click on our “Check Full Text” icon in PubMed, you will now see a screen similar to the following listing any potential sources to get to the article you need:


This temporary option uses the coverage information from our E-Journals & E-Books A to Z List. Although it covers many of the journals we receive, it does not include all of our subscribed titles nor our print holdings. Regardless of whether an online source is found for the article, each page will provide a link to the Library’s Catalog so that you can also check there to see if we have that particular journal in print or online.

We hope this new interim option will be of help to better get you to the articles you need when searching PubMed. Once the problem is rectified, we will return to using the WebBridge Link Resolver for PubMed, but we currently do not know when that will happen. Additionally, the WebBridge Link Resolver continues to be used for all other Library databases where it is presently available.

If you need assistance with this or any other Library resources, please do not hesitate to contact us.

New search option added to link resolver

Every now and then there is a hiccup in the process by which information goes through a number of channels in order to get you to your article when using the WebBridge Link Resolver from many Library databases. If you’ve seen the dreaded “No DOI found” message, you’ve probably wondered where to go next.

DOI Search Error

We are happy to report we have added an option that now gives you the option to get to the journal where the article you need is published if you see the above screen when attempting to retrieve an article. For those resources where the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is integral to this process, you will now see another link that will bring to to the journal’s site:

Alternate Search Option

If you encounter the “DOI not found” error, just return to the link resolver result screen and click the alternate link to get to the journal or the publisher’s site.

We hope that this will help alleviate some of the trouble that you have getting articles through the link resolver. If you need more information about the WebBridge Link Resolver, check out our LibGuide. Also, if you need help with this or any other Library resources, please contact us.

Link resolver available again in all EBSCOhost databases

We are happy to report the WebBridge LR links are once again appearing in all EBSCOhost databases. If you need a refresher on how the link resolver works, this LibGuide will help.

If you need any assistance with any Library resources, please contact us.

BrowZine search options expanded

If you use BrowZine, you might have come across times when you wanted an issue from a year earlier than currently listed, were looking for a journal that was not included, or needed an article where the full-text was not available. We are happy to report that recent enhancements have supplemented your ability to browse more journals and articles.

For the web version, if you find a journal in BrowZine and you would like to see issues earlier than the years that are available click the “View all back issues and sources for this title” after you click the “Change Year” link:

BZ Web Additional Issues

This will bring you to a search of the E-Books & E-Journals A to Z List and shows any additional years and sources the Library has for the full-text of that journal.

Also only available in the web version, if you cannot locate a journal when you search for it, BrowZine now gives you the option to search the E-Books & E-Journals A to Z List for that title:

BZ Web No Match

Finally, a third new feature for the Library’s BrowZine will work in both the web and mobile versions. When you come across an article that might not be available due to restrictions that delay the availability of that article from the source BrowZine uses for the journal, you can now check the Library’s WebBridge Link Resolver for any other places where the full-text is currently available.

If you see a notice that new full-text is unavailable for a journal for a stated amount of time and the article you wish to view is within that time frame, click on the article’s title. In the web version you will see the following notice giving you the opportunity to check for the availability of the article through the link resolver:

BZ Embargo Addl Options Second

If you run across a similar situation when using the app version of BrowZine, click the article title and then “Open” in the popup window that appears:


Hopefully these new features will help you when you’re using BrowZine, but if you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

REMINDER: ClinicalKey for Nursing expires April 25, 2016

The Library is not able to renew our subscription to ClinicalKey for Nursing due to lack of funds. Our access is set to expire Monday, April 25, 2016.

Many of the online journals offered through ClinicalKey for Nursing are also available through our ScienceDirect package. While there isn’t an online alternative for accessing the books, many of these titles can be found in the Library’s print collection.

Please be sure to check the Library’s INNOPAC catalog for the most accurate information regarding our journal and book collections.

Feel free to contact the Library if you need assistance.

ClinicalKey for Nursing expires April 25, 2016

The Library is not able to renew our subscription to ClinicalKey for Nursing due to lack of funds. Our access is set to expire Monday, April 25, 2016.

Many of the online journals offered through ClinicalKey for Nursing are also available through our ScienceDirect package. While there isn’t an online alternative for accessing the books, many of these titles can be found in the Library’s print collection.

Please be sure to check the Library’s INNOPAC catalog for the most accurate information regarding our journal and book collections.

Feel free to contact the Library if you need assistance.


BrowZine My Bookshelf updates

BrowZine now supports syncing the journals you have saved to My Bookshelf across all devices, including the web version of the service. If you have not yet done so, you will need to create a BrowZine Account in order to see your favorite journals saved to the bookshelf regardless of how you access BrowZine.

Additionally, you will now see the unread issue notifications on the web version of BrowZine as part of this update, whereas these notifications were previously only available through the mobile version:

BZ New Issue Indicator

If you find that journals you saved on one device are no longer available, please refer to this support document from BrowZine to restore the journals you previously saved to your bookshelf.

Need any help with BrowZine or other Library services? Please do not hesitate to contact us.