
The New PubMed is Here

An updated version of PubMed is now available. The new PubMed will become the default in spring 2020 and will ultimately replace the legacy version. Improvements include better search functionality and more responsive design.

The full NLM Technical Bulletin article can be found here.

Source: Collins M. The New PubMed is Here. NLM Tech Bull. 2019 Nov-Dec;(431):e3.

Fixed: Link Resolver working in PubMed

UPDATE: The Link Resolver has been restored in PubMed and is working both on- and off-campus.

Now that it’s back up and running, be sure to check out our new one-click PDF feature described here.


The WebBridge Link Resolver is currently unavailable in PubMed. We will update as soon as the problem is fixed.

The link resolver is available in all other enabled databases, and you can find that list here.

If you need any assistance, please contact us.

PubMed: now with one-click PDFs!

Thanks to our subscription to BrowZine and their new tool LibKey Link, we are happy to announce that starting today for many articles in PubMed you can get to the PDF with just one click!

You will need to follow the link to PubMed with a special code that turns on our link resolver. When viewing the abstract of a particular citation, click our “Check Full Text” icon:

When available, you will be taken directly to the PDF of the article. If that is not possible, you will be brought instead to our WebBridge Link Resolver results page with the available options to retrieve that article.

If you are off-campus, you will be asked to authenticate either through OpenAthens or with your Library barcode and PIN.

For more information about BrowZine, see our LibGuide. We also have LibGuides available for Off Campus access, the link resolver, and OpenAthens.

Off Campus Access – 502 errors (resolved)

*Resolved Wednesday, August 23rd at 3:15pm*

We discovered this afternoon that Off Campus access to PubMed and to all EBSCOhost databases is returning a 502 error. Our IT support is working to resolve the issue, but we will probably be without off-campus access for the weekend. The same error appears when trying to access the databases through CITRIX.

Titles of individual journals through the catalog appear to be working. Please contact the Circulation Desk at either Library for additional help.


PubMed and security warnings

Today PubMed along with all NCBI sites permanently changed their web addresses to use the HTTPS protocol. Unfortunately, this is now prompting a security warning when using the Library’s off-campus link to PubMed. Although in this case there is no real danger in proceeding, you will need to add a security exception to your browser in order to get to PubMed.

For Chrome, first click “Advanced”


Then click the link that begins with “Proceed to…” in order to add the exception to Chrome:


In Internet Explorer, click the link “Continue to this website (not recommended)”:


In Firefox, first click the “Add Exception” button:


Then click “Confirm Security Exception” to add it to Firefox:


Finally, for those for whom Safari is your browser of choice, you just need to click the “Continue” button in the window that pops up:


If you need any help with this or other Library resources, do not hesitate to contact us.

Become a Better PubMed User

Teaching, clinic, committees, research, mentoring, continuing education, administrative duties: With all that on your plate, do you really have time for inefficient literature searches?

The November Library Lunchtime Learning presentation—PubMed Beyond the Basics—is designed to help you get the most out of the premier biomedical citation database. Join us and learn how to more effectively and efficiently search PubMed using advanced features such as Medical Subject Headings, filters, index terms, and the Related Citations and Clinical Queries functions to more easily find the research you need. In addition, we’ll show you how to personalize your PubMed experience via MyNCBI, which will allow you to create bibliographies, automated searches, and separate collections.

The session will be held once at the Dental Campus and once Downtown. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to  But remember, we always welcome drop-in attendees. We hope to see you there!

PubMed Beyond the Basics

November 5, 12-1 p.m.
Copping Room (2309), LSU School of Dentistry


November 18, 12-1 p.m.
Computer Laboratory, 4th floor Library, Resource Center Building



PubMed Commons

Attention researchers published in PubMed:

PubMed Commons?áis an exciting new pilot project from the National Library of Medicine that allows researchers to comment on any scientific publication indexed in PubMed and to read the comments of others.

“PubMed Commons is a forum for open and constructive criticism and discussion of scientific issues. It will thrive with high quality interchange from the scientific community.”

Currently, PubMed Commons is in a pilot testing phase and only invited participants can add and view comments in PubMed. However, anyone in the pilot phase can invite a fellow author indexed in PubMed. All they need is your PubMed ID (PMID) and e-mail address. For more information on how to join PubMed Commons click here and stay tuned for the next phase of this project!

Testing, Testing: PubMed Commons Community Forum

PubMed Commons, a new forum community created for online collaboration for ÔÇ£constructive criticism and discussion of scientific issues,ÔÇØ has introduced a pilot version.

During its closed pilot phase, PubMed Commons will be allowing accounts using approved email addresses from PubMed authors to participate. ?áNIH or Wellcome Trust grant recipients can also join and invite others to join. You can test whether you have access here Users will also need a My NCBI account.

Find answers to frequently asked questions on this page:

PubMed Limits are now Filters

Where you go to set PubMed?álimits such as dates, language and article types has changed – hopefully for the better. It’s all just semantics with a little bit of functional design thrown in, really.

Limits ?áin Pubmed are now called Filters. They are located on the left hand side of the PubMed screen. This video from NCBI shows where to find filters and how to use them. (Previously they were located under the search box on a separate page called Limits.)

Confused? Enraged? Apathetic? We welcome your responses and questions – just give us a call, email or chat and we’ll do our best to help.

More from the NLM Technical Bulletin

Phrase searching in PubMed

Problem: you want to search PubMed for a phrase like text messaging, but the phrase keeps getting broken up.

Solution: when searching for phrases:

ÔÇó Search the phrase first without quotes or search tags.
ÔÇó Check Search details to see how the search was translated.
ÔÇó Use quotes (” “) when your phrase is broken apart.

For details and screen shots, read the complete article at

Using quotes work really well when you are looking for a specific article title!

General Library Classes

Are your library skills a little rusty? Come to one of our General Library Orientation classes and learn about the our resources, how to search the online catalog and PubMed, and how to request an Interlibrary Loan. The schedule is now posted for October-December. Contact Carolyn Bridgewater for more information.

Back in Time

Pubmed has expanded its coverage to include articles back to 1947, according to the National Library of Medicine:

Harry Truman was President, gas cost 15 cents a gallon, the transistor was invented, and internationally renowned surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey was publishing articles on the US Army’s World War II experience with battle injuries, military surgery, and the use of streptomycin therapy. Citations to these and more than 60,000 other articles indexed in the 1947 Current List of Medical Literature (CLML) are now available in the National Library of Medicine?« (NLM?«) MEDLINE?«/PubMed database.

That brings the number of citations available in PubMed to a whopping 20 million! That is a lot of biomedical research for only 63 years.

PubMed?« Revisions in February

Changes coming to PubMed in early February include:

  • Advanced search page streamlined
  • link to Clipboard will be added to the homepage, if applicable
  • new Limits page with additional limits for dates and search field tags
  • PubMed SLOW…

    PubMed will be operational but may be intermittently slow starting today Friday, November 13 at 2:00 PM until Saturday, November 14 at 7:00 PM. Sorry for the inconvenience.